Friday, January 2, 2009

Diagnosis Confirmed

Tonya got a call from the genetic counselor this morning. The results of her amniocentesis have come back, and a diagnosis of Trisomy 13 is confirmed for our unborn daughter.

It was just a short phone call, so we don't have a lot of additional information at this time. We will be talking with a perinatologist next week about follow-up care, so we may be able to tell you more then.


A. Jean said...

It will be nice when all the questions can be answered. God will continue to comfort the family.


Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and your family. I lost a baby son at 22 weeks of pregnancy due to a severe health problem I had that we never knew about. At that time, hubbie and I mastered that very valuable lesson- taking it one step at a time. As he put it, "We can only take this life one day at a time... and when we can't we'll take it one hour at a time... and if we can't even do that, we'll take it one minute at a time."

Praying for strength for you and Tonya.

The Finn Family said...

Prayers for your family and your sweet baby girl. I saw the link to your blog on a forum that I occasional read at, which is how I ended up here.

Crimson Wife said...

You and your family are in my prayers.