...and by the time we're done with this, it will feel like we've been fighting the gods...
So I took Tonya to the doctor this morning. Unlike Tuesday, when we were in and out in under an hour, it took them about two and a half hours to get us done. Most of that was sitting and waiting... and waiting... and waiting....
(Rather like Odysseus on the isle of Circe, in fact, although I hadn't thought of that angle when I started writing this post.)
We learned a little bit more about what happened to Tonya's foot. That little spur of bone on the number 5 metatarsal, the bit that Tonya chipped, connects to a tendon, which wraps around the side of the foot and then goes up the leg where it connects to a muscle. When Tonya stepped on that infernal toy and twisted her ankle, this tendon was put under far more tension than normal, and this tension was what caused the bone to break. Apparently Tonya was fortunate; had the bone not given way, the tendon might have; and that would have necessitated a full-blown surgery right there.
As it is, the bone is expected to heal back to 100%. But it will take some time, and the foot needs to be immobilized until then. Thus, the highly fashionable cast that you see in the above photograph. (The doctor offered several colors, and Tonya picked purple, thus demonstrating once again the wise decision I made when I married her.)
So, where does the whole Odyssey part come in? Well, this is a non-weight-bearing cast, on her right foot. She has to use a pair of crutches. Tonya cannot carry anything in her hands until it heals. This means that Tonya is unable to lift anything for the next four weeks that doesn't fit in a pocket--including babies who need their diapers changed. She can do no cleaning, no housework, no food preparation, zip.
And while I suppose this may sound to some people like their idea of heaven ("Yay! He gets to do all the diaper changes for a change!"), when you start to think about it, it becomes more and more like Hades. We now have to figure out how to get through the next four weeks (and possibly more). I can't change diapers or feed the kids lunch when I'm at work, obviously; Tonya can't take the kids to the library, or to parks, or on walks.... She can't do any driving (since it's her right foot that got messed up). The bottom line is that someone with two good feet has to be at home with the kids at all times; and since that's not Tonya right now, it has to be someone else. Currently it's me, until my vacation time runs out.
We're working out arrangements with Tonya's parents and with friends from church, and I'm going to use up most if not all of my vacation time by the time this is over. We'll get through it--with lots, and lots, and lots of help. And Tonya is going to have serious cabin fever by the time this is over.
So, in that Odysseus scenario, just who plays the part of Calypso? >:)
Overheard recently:
"Ok, which one was Circe, and which one was Calypso?"
So I just checked my wife's copy of the Odyssey, and it turns out that all that waiting and waiting was on Calypso's isle, not Circe. Circe has nothing to do with our little tale, except for the fact that our girls keep pretending to be pigs....
You see one nymph, you've seen them all....
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